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Payroll Report Details

Workstem provides 7 payroll-related reports. This article introduces the usage and scenarios of different reports in details.

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Written by Workstem CS
Updated over 7 months ago

The system provides 7 payroll-related reports, click [Payroll] > [Reports] to download

This article introduces the usage and scenarios of different reports in details.


Purpose: Download the payment information of employees and submit it to the banking system for batch payment. There is no need to manually input them individually. Currently, the AutoPay report styles of HSBC, Bank of China, Standard Chartered Bank, and Hang Seng Bank are supported. Different banks have different styles. More details can refer to "How to Generate Autopay Report?"

Report Content: Mainly includes employee name, bank card number information, and actual salary.

Employee Payslip

Purpose: Generate payslips according to employees, with a fixed format, which can be downloaded or printed to employees to check the details of each salary payment.

Report Content: Employee basic information (name, staff ID, position, join date), payroll details and MPF contribution details, payslip display items can be configured according to "How to Set Up the Payslip Displays?"

Employee Payment History

Purpose: To summarize and view the payment records of employees over a period of time, which can be provided to employees for checking the salary payment history or to financial personnel for statistical analysis data.

Report Content: The format is fixed, Pay Item can be selected in the download interface.

Payroll Statement

Purpose: Export salary data of one or more periods according to the display salary items set by the payslip settings, which can be provided to financial staff for statistical analysis data.

Report Content: Same as payslip display items, it can be configured according to how to set payroll display items.

Summary 😊:

The display styles and usage scenarios of different reports are different. The following is a comparison of different salary reports. You can choose the report to use according to your actual needs.


Export Format

Display Item

Export Period



Different banks have different formats

Fixed item, cannot be configured

Only one calculation record can be downloaded at a time

Submit to the bank to pay wages in batches, reducing manual operations

Employee Payslip



Only one calculation record can be downloaded at a time

Download or print to employees to check monthly salary details

Employee Payment History


Optional download interface

Can export one or more period calculation records

Download or print to employees to check salary history

Payroll Statement



Can export one or more calculation records

Allow financial staff to statistical analysis

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