How to Bulk Import Timesheet
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Written by Workstem CS
Updated over a week ago

Generally speaking, employees can submit timesheet application by themselves via Workstem One App. System can count the duration of compensatory time and overtime after approval by supervisors.

In order to reduce the times of manual inputting data, Workstem provides timesheet [Import] function. Imported timesheets are approved by supervisors by default. [Import] function fits you if your company is in one of the following situation:

  • Importing historical data before using Workstem system

  • Working overtime is arranged by company, and there are more than 20 employees.

  • Employees do not use smartphone, and supervisors or HRs need to manually input 20 or over 20 records.

Step 1

Click [Attendance] > [Timesheet] > [Import] > click [Download Template] in the pop-up window. Following the procedure, you are able to download an excel file named "Timesheet-template."

Step 2

Open [Timesheet-template] file > input data based on the file > Save

  • Employee: required. You can input employee name, staff ID or employee email address. If you have employees with the same name, then you need to enter staff ID or employee email address

  • Type: required. Overtime or Compensatory time can be chosen

  • Overtime type: it only applies to Overtime in Type. [Working Overtime on Weekdays], [Working Overtime on Rest Days], or [Working Overtime on Statutory Holidays] should be chosen based on actual situation.

  • Date: required. Start date of Overtime or Compensatory time

  • Start Time: required. Start time of Overtime or Compensatory time

  • End Time: required. End time of Overtime or Compensatory time. If the end time is earlier than the start time, system will default to the day on the next day. For example, if the start time is 22:00 and end time is 8:00, system will automatically regard it as overtime or compensatory time for night shift.

  • Location: optional. You can input any location that is already in the system

  • Scheduling Project: optional. You can input any shift type that is already in the system

  • Reason: options. You can input the reason of overtime or compensatory time

Step 3

Click [Select a File] in the pop-up window of "Import" to select the excel file with timesheet records > click [OK]. Then all of timesheet data is input into the system

  • Update Duplicate records: System will replace the existing data in the system with new data in the imported excel file if the data of Employee, Type, and Date in the imported excel file is the same as in the system.

  • Do not import duplicate records: System will not update the existed data if the data of Employee, Type, and Date in the imported file is the same as in the system

You can successfully import timesheet records following the above steps. If failed, the system will show:

Click on [click here to download the bug report] to download an excel file named "ErrorExcel". You are able to see the reason for failure on the very right of the file.

Common Reasons for the Failure of Importing Timesheet Records

Employee No Search: The employee name input in the file does not match the data in the system, or the employee name input in the file is not in the system yet.

Scheduling Project No Search: The 'Shift Type' in the file does not match the data in the system, or the 'Shift Type' in the file is not in the system yet.

Location No Search: Location input in the file does not match the data in the system, or location input in the file is not in the system yet.

You can modify the data as prompted in the Error file and import it again. If the imported data is incorrect, you can delete it from the system.

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