1.【Payslip】- App - Optimazed for download historical payslip in App.
If the language in the App is switched to Traditional Chinese/Simplified Chinese, the downloaded payslip format is traditional Chinese payslip;
If the language in the App is switched to English, the downloaded payslip format is English format payslip;
2.【Expense Claims】- web - Optimazed for the form of expense claim (all regional versions).
After clicking the [View] button on the "Approved" and "Denied" expense claim, the following fields can also be edited: expense type, expense content , amount, date, reason, and attachment.
3. [Leave Type Settings] - web - After saving of the "Leave Balance Calculation Formula" of the leave type, click to view later, then the "Leave Balance Calculation Formula" cannot be modified.
4. [Bank Information] - web - new function of more bank accounts (all regional versions).
[Company] - [Bank Info] added [More Bank Info];
[Payroll] - [Reports] - [AutoPay] added [More Bank Accounts].
5.【Shortcut Schedule】- Web - new function of shortcut schedule (all regional versions).
On the roster page, select a date and press [ctrl + c], then select another date and press [ctrl + v], the same shift can be copied.