The basic salary of the employee may be changed in the middle of the month, at this time, you should pay attention to:
If the salary adjustment date is earlier than the current date, select "Historical Record".
If the salary adjustment date is the current date, select "Effective Immdiately".
If the salary adjustment date is later than the current date, select "Effective in the Future".
The value of basic salary comes from the starting date of the pay cycle (e.g 1st of the current month). If you want the latest basic salary to appear in the payroll record, it is recommended to set the effective date to be the first day of the month. Otherwise, you can set up a "SegmentedBaseSalary" function in the system.
Please be kindly to edit Pay Items , edit the formula of Basic Salary to
value = SegmentedBaseSalary()
This function will calculate the basic salary of the current period in stages. For example: the BaseSalary of May Payroll run ,The Base salary calculation in the personnel history changes from 10000 to 15000 on May 12, then the function returns 10000 *12/31+15000*19/31 after calculation.