If there are wrong or outdated shifts, how can you quickly update those?
You don't have to delete the shifts. Instead, you can:
Directly edit the shift.
Create new shifts to replace the existing shifts (can do it in bulk).
Directly Edit the Shift:
Step 1
Hover your mouse over the incorrect shift and then click on the middle "Pencil Icon" .βοΈ.
Step 2
After clicking on the middle "Pencil Icon" βοΈ, a side panel will slide out allowing you to edit the shift information. After editing, click on [Save].
Bulk Edit Existing Shifts
Step 1
On the top right corner of the scheduling page, click on [Bulk Settings], and then click on [Bulk Create].
Step 2
Add the employees that have updated shifts.
Step 3
Fill in the necessary new shift information as well as select the dates on the calendar. Then, turn on the switch for [Replace all existing overlapping shifts]. Click on [Save].
You will then see the updated shifts on the scheduling table.