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How to create SuperChoice Account
How to create SuperChoice Account
Workstem CS avatar
Written by Workstem CS
Updated over 2 months ago

The SuperChoice EmployerPay Portal is a secure SuperStream-compliant solution that enables you to pay your employees’ super and send contribution details to all their super funds.

To get started, you need to register and activate your employer account.

The Employer Self Registration screen opens and displays the process steps across the top, starting with Employer ABN.

If you submit super for multiple businesses using the same ABN, you can only register one of these businesses using the self-enrollment module ABN. The others can be created in the Portal once you have logged in.

  1. Type the ABN that you want to use as an employer

  2. Type in your Email Address and again for confirmation.

  3. Tick the ‘I’m not a robot checkbox’, then click Continue.

The registration process progresses to Employer Information.

  1. If you are authorised to register in the Portal on behalf of your company, select Yes.

The registration process progresses to Employer Information.

  1. Select how many employees you will be paying super for.

  2. Click Continue.

The registration process progresses to Employer Details.

The Employer Details screen opens with the Registered Business Name and Trading Business Name already filled. These are based on the Employer ABN that you entered in step 2.

It is possible to change the Trading Business Name, but you cannot change the Registered Business Name.

  1. Complete the Business Details, which include the postal address and telephone number.

  2. Complete the Employer contact (authorised person) details and create a Username for this person.

It is important to remember this username as you will need it for logging into the Portal.

  1. Click Continue.

The registration process progresses to Bank Account Details.

  1. Click the Payment Type field and select either Direct Debit or Direct Credit. The required fields on the screen will update.

  2. Complete the Account Name, BSB and Account Number for your employer account from which payments will be made.

For Direct Debit you must also tick the check box to agree to the Direct Debit Authority. If required in the future, you can change the Payment Type and account details. See the Payments quick reference guide.

  1. Set the Payment Cycle by selecting the Pay Period Frequency and the Pay Period Start Date.

  2. Click Continue.

The registration process progresses to the Summary.

  1. Download the Legal Documents, read them and then indicate that you agree to all three documents by ticking each of the check boxes.

You must agree to all three documents before proceeding to submit the registration.

  1. If you are sure all the details are correct, click Submit Registration.

If you want to correct any details, click Previous until the appropriate screen displays, and then make your changes.

After submitting the employer registration, a ‘Thank You’ screen displays and an email is sent to the email address you provided during registration.

  1. Open the Registration Confirmation email, and then click the Log in button.

  2. At the Set Password screen, type your User Name, type and confirm a New Password, and then click Set Password.

A message displays to tell you that a temporary verification code to will be emailed to you. Keep the screen open and check your Inbox.

  1. Type the Authentication Code your received in the email, and then click Verify.

This logs you into the system and you will see the Dashboard view of the Portal.

From here you can access all of the functions available – these functions are detailed in various quick reference guides located on the Help page.

A series of short videos have also been created to instruct you on how to use the Portal. Access the videos at

  1. Be sure to pay your super by the next due date, to comply with your super obligations.

When you upload a contribution file into the Portal, the members and their details will automatically be added to the database.

Logging out

For security, it is recommended that you log out from the Portal when you have finished working in it.

  1. Click on your user ID on the right-hand corner.

  2. On the dropdown, click Log Out.

The EmployerPay log in screen displays to confirm your logout.

Using a different browser or desktop

If you attempt to log into the Portal with an internet browser or desktop that is different from the one previously used, before you can log in you must enter an authentication code that will be emailed to you.

To log in, type the Temporary Verification Code, and then click Verify.

Registration of a migrated employer

If your employee data has been migrated to the EmployerPay Portal, after logging into the system we recommend that you do the following:

  • Use the function to check that employer users who need access have been created and they have the correct permissions. You can also add users in this view. See the Updating User Details quick reference guide.

  • Use the function to check employee (ie member) data has been migrated successfully to the EmployerPay Portal and is visible. You can also add new members directly into the Portal in this view. See the Member Maintenance quick reference guide.

  • Clean up your data by reviewing and correcting any issues where system validations have identified an error – errors will be listed in the Validation Issues stage in the Member Maintenance view.

TIP: Once you’ve corrected any errors and accepted the changes in the Portal, we recommend you download the updated member data using the Download button at the bottom of the screen, and save it into your payroll.

After registering your SuperChoice account, kindly proceed to 'Maintain Employers' to complete your company information.

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