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Company Information
Company Information
Workstem CS avatar
Written by Workstem CS
Updated over 2 months ago

Step 1 - Input Basic Information

Click into "Company""Company" and fill in the relevant information on the Basic Information page.

There are SEVEN essential fields - System Display Name, Legal Name, Payer Contact Name, Contact Number, Email Address, Payer Address and Post Code

  • System Display Name and Phone Number: By default, it will be the name and number that was filled during sign up. It can be edited multiple times.

    • System Display Name: It will be used as the account name and act as a nickname in Workstem. The name can be defined by users, but it is unique and can not be duplicated.

  • Legal Name: The name of the company that is being verify by the government

  • Payer Contact Name: Name of company owner

  • Contact Number: Owner contact number

  • Email Address: Owner email address

  • Payer Address: The address of the company

  • Post Code: Post code of address of company

Step 2 - Add Company Logo

If you have a company logo to add/edit, you can upload/ edit it through the “Basic Information” page. Workstem supports JPEG, PNG, JPG and GIF file types and file size must be below 5MB.

Afterward, don’t forget to click the “Save” button to save your information.

Some information on the "Basic Information" page is optional to fill in. You can come back to this page to fill in the blanks when you need to use them. And those with Grey blank are the preset item. It is fixed to the choice you choose during the registration.

  1. Payer Australian Business Number -- The number given by taxation department

  2. Payer Withholding Payer Number -- The number given by the government to the owner of the company

  3. Payer Branch Code -- Unique digit number to identify branch

  4. Time Zone - It is for setting the time zone for your time-based data and you can only pick a time zone within your selected region. The Time Zone will mainly affect:

    • Timesheet creation time and update time

    • Leave requests creation time and update time

    • Staff clock in/out time

  5. Preset Data Language - This is used to set the language for system-generated leave types and pay items. You can choose English, Traditional Chinese , or Simplified Chinese.

  6. Used BMS ID -- IF there is a similar system is used before, owner have to provide the system ID.

  7. FBT Under Section 57A – If the company is under section 57A

  8. Bank Account Information -- This information is linked with "Payroll" concerned issues, mostly needed during Autopay.

  9. Intermediary – For this part, you can get all the information from the taxation department

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