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How to set up Department, Position, Tag, Cost Center, and Clock-In Device Information
How to set up Department, Position, Tag, Cost Center, and Clock-In Device Information

A quick guide to setting up department, role, cost center, tag, and clock-in device in your company's system.

Workstem CS avatar
Written by Workstem CS
Updated over 5 months ago


Step 1: Access the Department Page

To establish a department for your company, navigate to Company > Department.

On the department page, click the 'New' button to begin creating a new department.

Step 2: Create Department

Enter the code and department name, then click the 'Confirm' button to finalise the creation of the department.

Note: If a department needs to be linked to others, utilise the 'Parent Department' feature. From the dropdown list, select the department you wish to link with. Ensure the parent department is set up beforehand.

Step 3: Org Chart

Following department creation, you can access an overview of the organisational chart by clicking on the 'Org Chart' button. Linked departments will be displayed here.

Click on the 'Export' button to save the chart as a picture in PNG format.


Step 1: Access the Position Page

To establish a position for your company, navigate to Company > Position.

On the position page, click the 'New' button to start creating a new position.

Step 2: Create Position

Enter the code and position name, then click the 'Confirm' button to finalise the creation of the position.

Cost Center

Step 1: Access the Cost Center Page

To establish a cost center for your company, navigate to Company > Cost Center.

On the cost center page, click the 'New' button to start creating a new cost center.

Step 2: Create Cost Center

Enter the code and cost center name, then click the 'Confirm' button to finalise the creation of the cost center.


Step 1: Access the Tag Page

To establish a tag for your company, navigate to Company > Cost Center.

On the tag page, click the 'New Tag' button to start creating a new tag.

Step 2: Create Tag

Enter the code and tag name, then click the 'Confirm' button to finalise the creation of the tag.

Clock-In Device

Step 1: Access the Device Page

To establish a device for your company, navigate to Company > Device.

On the Device page, click the 'New Device' button to start creating a new device.

Step 2: Create Device

On the Device page, complete the required information for the device.

  • Device Type: Choose the device type from the dropdown menu: Bluetooth, Face

  • Device Name: Assign a name to the device for identification purposes.

  • Major & Minor & Device ID: These details will be provided by Workstem.

Click the 'Save' button to save the device.

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