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How to Maintain Daily Attendance Data?
How to Maintain Daily Attendance Data?

If an employee forgets to clock in/out, resulting an error in attendance records, Workstem offers two methods to address this situation.

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Written by Workstem CS
Updated over 5 months ago

Learn how to address attendance errors efficiently with Workstem's two methods, including timesheet applications and importing attendance data, ensuring accurate records even if employees forget to clock in or out.

Method 1: Timesheet

1. Apply via the website at the managerial level.

An employee forgot to clock out on 03/04, resulting in an absent status for that day. To rectify such occurrences, employers can utilise a timesheet to account for employee absences.

Navigate to Attendance > Timesheet > Click the 'New' button to initiate a timesheet application.

On the application page, input the necessary details and click 'Save' to finalise the timesheet.

Navigate to Attendance > Overview > Choose the employee and click 'View' to access attendance details.

Select the date and click 'View Records' to review the timesheet application status.

Despite the absence of clock-out time, the absentee status disappears once the employee submits and the managerial level approves the timesheet.

2. Application by Employees via Workstem One App

Employees are encouraged to utilise the Workstem One Application on their smartphones to apply for compensation timesheets.

To initiate the process, open the Workstem One App and select the 'Timesheet Application' button.

Within the application interface, complete the necessary fields with the required information and click 'Save' to secure your application.

Next, choose the pre-defined approval process and click 'Confirmed' to submit your application.

Following submission, employees can review the status of their timesheet application by navigating to More > Timesheet Application.

Within the Timesheet Application section, you can access your application and its details.

Click on the specific timesheet application to delve into its particulars on the Timesheet Approval page.

Management at higher levels can assess timesheet applications via the website, where they can approve or reject submissions. The 'View' button enables users to inspect and modify application details.

In the Edit Timesheet section, you can review and amend application details, saving any changes made with the 'Save' button. Approval or rejection of the application can also be executed within this interface.

Thus, even if an employee forgets to clock in or out, their status for the day will not reflect as absent, with hours worked accounting for the full duration. This is because the employee has submitted a compensatory timesheet, duly approved.

Select 'View Records' to access and review the timesheet application history.

Please note:

Upon submission and approval by higher management, timesheet records can be accessed on the Schedule and Schedule Pro pages.

A 'T' icon will appear at the top right of the date for which you've submitted a timesheet. Simply click on the 'T' icon to view the timesheet records.

Method 2: Importing Attendance Data

In addition to utilising the compensation timesheet, attendance data can be rectified by manually importing it by higher management level using the import feature.

The import feature enables users to upload multiple sets of attendance data simultaneously.

To begin, navigate to Attendance > Attendance Data > Click the 'Import Clock Data' button.

On the import page, select the 'Download Template' button to obtain the required template.

In the Attendance Data Template, populate the fields with the necessary data, following the provided sample to prevent errors during the import process.

Next, return to Attendance > Attendance Data > Import Clock Data > Select the 'Select a File' button to upload the completed template.

Click 'Ok' to finalise the import process.

The uploaded data will then be displayed on the Attendance Data page.

To review an employee's Attendance Details, navigate to Attendance > Overview > Select the desired employee and click the 'View' button.

Choose the desired attendance period, then click 'Refresh' to update the data. To review records for a particular date, click the 'View Records' button.

Please note that utilising the import feature differs from using the Compensation Timesheet Application, there will be no timesheet records visible in the Daily Time Sheet section.

Side Note:

Imported attendance data will not display the 'T' icon at the top right corner of the corresponding date.

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