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Project/Job Pro - More Refined Management of Project/Job Items
Project/Job Pro - More Refined Management of Project/Job Items

Introducing the features and usage of Project/Job Pro, which is more suitable for scenarios that require calculating payroll for Projects

Workstem CS avatar
Written by Workstem CS
Updated over 2 months ago

1. Differences Between "Project/Job Pro" and "Project/Job"

In the original "Project," you could only set the name of the project item. In "Project/Job Pro," you can set more information. It divided into three functional modules:

(1) Project/Job Category: You can set up project/job categories and the parent-child relationships of them.

(2) Project/Job Management: In addition to setting the project/job name, you can also define the category , the hourly rate, and the limits for maximum and minimum hourly rates of each project/job.

(3) Project/Job Certificates: You can set the initial level for each employee in the project based on the project/job item, as well as accumulate actual attendance hours and expected attendance hours.

The settings in Project/Job Pro are only allowed to be managed and edited by users with Admin/HR permissions; other users with Schedule functionality permissions can only view the information and are not allowed to manage or edit it.

2. Usage Background and Applicable Scenarios

This will apply to situations where employees' work requires calculating different hourly rates or allowances based on various job contents and projects. In such cases, it is often necessary to set different base salaries for different scheduling items and then calculate the payroll results based on attendance hours.

Sometimes, it may be necessary to further establish different job tiers for these employees under various scheduling items. The Project/Job Pro will meet these usage requirements.

3. How to Use and Set Up Project/Job Pro?

In the left menu, click on “Schedule → Project/Job Pro” to enter the Project/Job Pro management module.

Below, we will introduce the three modules in order:

1. Project/Job Category

Click to enter the “Project/Job Category” interface.

(1) Click on [New] to create a new project/job category. When adding, you can select other already added categories as the parent category. After adding, you can assign them to Project/Pro in “Project/Job Pro → Project/Job Management.”

(2) Click on [Edit] to modify an existing project/job category.

(3) Click on [Disable] to disable the current project/job category. Once disabled, it cannot be assigned to project/jobs. You can click [Enable] to reactivate it.

2. Project/Job Management

Click to enter the “Project/Job Management” interface.

The project/job items that have been added in the original “Project/Job” module will also be synchronized and displayed here in the Project/Job Management (Pro).

(1) Click on [New] to create a new project/job.

· When the “Min Hourly Rate” and “Max Hourly Rate” are not equal, the “Hourly Rate” will be restricted by their range.

· If both the “Min Hourly Rate” and “Max Hourly Rate” are empty, the “Hourly Rate” will not have any restrictions.

· If the “Min Hourly Rate” and “Max Hourly Rate” are equal, the “Hourly Rate” can only be a fixed value equal to both.

(2) Click on [Edit] to modify the information of an existing project/job.

(3) Click on [Disable] to disable the project/job, making it unavailable for selection when scheduling shifts.

3. Project/Job Certificates

Click to enter the “Project/Job Certificates” interface.

(1) You can initialize each employee's project/job's “Tier,” “Worked Hours,” and “Shift Hours” by using [New] or [Import].

(2) Click on [Export] to export the currently filtered records as a report document.

(3) Click on [Category Report] to generate a summary report document of hours based on the categories of project/job for different employees.

(4) Click on [View] to access the detailed hours interface for the employee's current project/job.

In the “Certificates Details” interface, you can edit the Tiers for employees under their current project/jobs.

At the bottom, the changing records of the employee's working hours will be displayed.

Click on [New] to manually adjust the current worked hours, which will generate a new record marked as “Manual Adjustment.”

If the shifts corresponding to the project/job were arranged through “Open Shift,” after the payroll calculation is submitted, the attendance data for that payroll calculation period will be locked. At the same time, the hours for the corresponding project/jobs will also be automatically included in the working hours of the certificates details, generating a new change record. The “Reason” field will display the corresponding Pay Run name.


1. Only after initializing a specific project/job for an employee in the Project/Pro Certificates by adding or importing and generating a record can the working hours be automatically included after the payroll calculation submitted. Otherwise, it will not be considered necessary to perform hour certification statistics for that project/job for the employee.

2. Currently, only the attendance hours corresponding to shifts arranged through Shift Planning can be included in the certification data of Project/Pro Certificates.


Combining with the “Open Shift” feature, the usage flow in the system is as follows:

→ Set up project/job categories

→ Set up project/job information

→ Initialize the employees and corresponding project/jobs that need certification in Project/Pro Certificates

→ Use project/job items to set up Open Shift

→ Use Open Shift to schedule shifts for employees

→ Employees clock in and attend work

→ Generate attendance data

→ Calculate payroll and submitted

→ Submitted attendance data will be automatically included in the Worked Hours and Shift Hours of certification records.

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