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[Employee] Self Report Availability
[Employee] Self Report Availability
Workstem CS avatar
Written by Workstem CS
Updated over 2 months ago

If your company has multiple part-time employees, and their working time and places are not fixed, you may confront the below problems:

Want to schedule for employee A, but you are not sure whether he is free.

Have several stores to choose from, but you are not sure where the employee wants to work.

Therefore you need to confirm and amend over and over again. Now our Workstem One App has the self-service report function, employees can mark their calendars to choose status-free or busy, which is convenient for you to schedule.

This product guide will help you to handle those situations.

Step 1

Employee to log in Workstem One App, click on 「Calendar」>「Calendar remark」.

Step 2

On the page of 「Calendar remark」to report, if he is busy or free in multiple days, then choose 「Multiple Days」, to input start time and end time, if not continuous, needs to input date day by day.


Employee can’t be there from 1st day to 3rd day, he hope the supervisor do not schedule for him during those days. Then, he should choose busy of 「Status」, and input 「Start Time」and 「End Time」, then click on「Save」.

Employee who is free on the 4th day, and he hopes to work the early shift in office A , then choose free of 「Status」, the date choose the 4th day, later choose the expired workplace and work time, then click on「Save」.


Need to add workplaces on the web of clocking in/out location, then employees can choose from「Expected Work Place」.

Employees can do self-report according to all above steps, and supervisors can see the details when schedule.

If supervisor/HR schedules for employees by Workstem One App.

Supervisor/HR can see the pink background from 1st day to 3rd day, and the below calendar mark shows busy.

The background of the 4th day is blue, and the below calendar mark shows free. Besides, you can also see the expected work place is 「Office」, and the expected work time is 「05:00-09:00」.

If supervisor/HR schedules for employees by Web.

Click on schedule, on the「Roster」interface, supervisor/HR can see the pink background from the 1st day to 3rd day, the 4th day is blue.

Enter 「Employee Calendar」interface,superviosr/HR can see the pink background from the 1st day to 3rd day, the 4th day is blue.

The expected work time and work place input by the employee in the 「 Calendar mark」will not be directly updated to the schedule. They are only used as a reference when the supervisor/HR schedules. The final schedule is subject to the supervisor's operation:

  • The supervisor can still schedule shifts on the days marked by the employee as busy .

  • If the employee is marked as free on the date and the supervisor is not scheduled, the employee will not count the attendance hours when the employee is clocked in.

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